Have you ever seen yourself accumulating objects that you might” someday ” need? If the awaited day never comes, in time you’re going to have to throw away everything useless. Now, there are a lot of people who, curious as it may seem enjoy collecting items that maybe won’t be of practical use. They’re people whose hobby is collecting.
Some collectors go after the traditional: stones, old coins or postage stamps. Others are passionate about collecting postcards, magnets, antiques, musical recordings, holiday memories. The options could be endless. For example, there is an American lawyer who has more than 200,000 railway nails in his collection. He is running around the fields exploring for old nails with a date engraved on his head.
There are also those who like wild things. One example is the countess from Russia, who collected urinals that once belonged to rich or famous people. A certain Japanese Regent kept 5 thousand dogs in lavishly decorated little houses
What’s the fascinating in collecting?
Why are there people who like to collect things? Because you have hobbies with a different goal the reasons are many, but mainly for they are for fun. They relax and allow them to break the daily monotony.” Indeed, for many, spending time contemplating a collection of precious objects is simply a delight.
Besides, such objects can bring memories of already visited places and some people you met, who you have almost forgotten them.
Balance is needed
On the other hand, this hobby may waste you too much time, money, or energy, and it may become a habit for you. One of the works we have quoted calls collecting “unbridled passion.” But it doesn’t have to be. If kept in place and practiced with balance and moderation, it can be a relaxing, pleasant and, why not, also educational hobby.
How can we prevent the hobby of collecting from opting for more critical issues? One might ask: “how much time do you spend for this hobby?”. Do not forget that the time you are going to spend does not end when you buy the desired items: you have to spend time taking care of them, cleaning them periodically, admiring and protecting them. And when it comes to money, what do you say? Will your hobby consume the resources needed to take care of family responsibilities? Are you self-controlled not to buy something when you can’t afford it? Besides, no matter how hard you try, you can never have every collectible item. It is prudent to calculate the cost of engaging in a hobby, taking into account both the time and the costs involved.
It’s up to you to decide if you belong to those runaways of the “use it and throw it” of the modern consumer society, or you belong to a private army of amateurs moves, dedicating its time and money to rescue from the realm of the ephemeral all kinds of objects of everyday life. From figurines, bottles, and toys to decals of the calf’s feast in Ayacucho, any element that in most homes would in all probability – end up in the trash can, can represent for any of them a treasure whose value would be difficult to calibrate.